1. Goal: Promoting Your Physical Health
What are you doing to promote your physical health? Our physical bodies are available to us only for a certain number of years. What we do with our bodies now affects our physical well being in future years. If we excersize and take vitamins that promote health and well being, we will feel better about living. It's important that we take care of our body; get lots of sleep, excersize, eat at least 2 meals per day, drink lots of water, take vitamins, spend time with loved ones, have a means of supporting oneself and a healthy mental outlook on life. Having a positive outlook on life is important because what you believe affects your moods, physical being and mental thoughts. If you believe you can... you can... if you believe the opposite then that becomes your reality also. Listen to people who are doing what you want to do and believe that you can accomplish similar goals.
2. Financial Resources/Wealth:
As long as you have your health you are very wealthy. In goal setting, it is important to know where you have been in order to know where you are going. Drinking lots of soda pop usually is not only very fatting, it also is not good for your bones. If you have been a heavy soda pop drinker (where you have been) you can cut those calories out (where you are) without too much thought. If you are overweight you still have the oportunity to drink water and excersize. If you are thinking of increasing your financial skills, what hobbies or skills do you have that can be used to generate new and lasting income for yourself and your family? Can you give a self-supporting class a community college or do an online internet class? How much time are you willing to give up to get to those new financial income goals? What life building tools will you be using to generate that income?
3. Environment:
In order to be truly productive we need to spend time in an environment that is conducive to thinking and working. Setup your computer work space so that you are able to concentrate on your plans and goals without interuption. Place goal setting information in a place where you can see it daily. Sometimes we lose our focus but a visual reminder can help us focus in on what we want to be thinking about. Setup a few hours each day to focus on your goals. How much time are you going to spend planning out what you'd like to have happen in your future. Are you planning on developing better communications with your loved ones? Are you planning on learning more about the world you live in? Are you planning on spending more time with your pets? The universe mirrors back what we put out to it. How we communicate with our loved ones is mirrored back to us. In order to make good decisions we need to be informed, so spend some time listening to new information. You can listen to this information in the car, before you sleep, just before you wake up. Get your focus back by knowing what you want to have happen in your life and then put all your energy and thoughts into making your goals happen.
4. Mental Focus:
Try meditation? What are you willing to give up in terms of time in order to get a new mental tool. What field of knowledge are you interested in. If you are unsure of where your interest lies, what new class will you take or what new book will you pick up in order to explore new possibilities? What new plan of action will you follow to promote health, ease of life and prosperity for yourself and your family?
5. Creating Your Plan of Action:
Set a few minutes aside each day to create your plan of action. List out the steps of your major goals and then underneith the major goals list out the minor steps it takes to reach your goals. Use visual diagrams, create lists, write down your goals and then set up timeframes when you wish to have the goals accomplished. Don't expect every goal you set to be met within a certain timeframe. It's best to be flexible, try different paths to get to the same outcome. We all have circumstances that help us or heed our progress. One of the major goals in your plan of action is the "determination to succeed". Another goal is to have a "backup plan" in case one of your goals is momentarily side-tracked. How will you setup your marketing and planning guide this year? Will you be using only the written word or will you be using audio and multimedia vehicles to market and promote your product?
6. Follow-Through
Don't give up, follow-through. Every step leads you closer to your goal. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. "There is no time like the present" to follow-through on your plans towards your success goals. Sometimes we are attracted to certain goals. Listen within and follow your dreams.